Remote Mixing & Preproduction Studio

For sessions on a budget, it is possible to do remote mixing or preproduction & editing at Olga’s private studio in South London. The studio is equipped with:

  • Pro Tools HDX
  • UAD-2 Octo DSP Card
  • Dynaudio monitors
  • A huge selection of plugins by Audioease, Fabfilter, Soundtoys, Waves and UAD.

A super fast internet connection makes sending files back and forth easy

It is also fully transportable so the studio can come to your location.

Recent projects:

  • Mixing TV Feature Lady Chatterly’s Lover for composer Carly Paradis
  • Mixing a Sophie Ellis-Bextor track
  • Mobile mixing for a Jennie Muskett score
  • Editing for Keane
  • Theatre music mix with Isobel Waller-Bridge

Please contact AIR Management for rates and availability.
